Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hows it Works?

The Male Anatomy

For many people, talking about the penis is tough. This area of the body is considered private and is usually not discussed publicly. However, the penis is simply a part of the male anatomy designed to accomplish a task, and we'll treat it that way here.

Male Reproductive Diagram

In the case of the penis, there are actually two tasks that it handles:
  1. releasing urine from the bladder, known as urination
  2. releasing sperm and seminal fluid from the prostate gland, known as ejaculation
Viagra® helps with the second task: ejaculation.

When things are working properly, ejaculation is a three-step process:

  1. The man becomes sexually aroused.
  2. The penis responds by becoming erect.
  3. Stimulation of the penis causes ejaculation.
That sounds simple enough, but in many cases, step two does not happen, making step three difficult or impossible. Although the man is stimulated, the penis does not become erect. To understand why, you need to understand the technology of an erection.

When you want to move nearly any part of your body, you do it using muscles. Whether you are moving your fingers, toes, arms or legs, muscles do the work. Even when you stick your tongue out, you do it using muscles:

  • You think about moving some part of your body
  • The appropriate muscles contract
  • That part of the body moves
Muscles let you move your body voluntarily with precise control.

The penis, on the other hand, is completely different. There are no muscle contractions involved in making the penis erect. To become erect, the penis instead uses pressure.

Click Here for more info

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most men suffer from erectile dysfunction at one or other time in their life, either temporarily or long-term. According to a recent National Health and Nutrition Examinational Survey (NHANES), 1 in 5 men will experience erectile difficulty sometime in their life - that's 20% of all men!